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Treeton C of E School Treeton C of E School Treeton C of E School

COVID 19 Information

Full reopening 8th March 2021

We are delighted that school can reopen to all pupils and look forward to welcoming all  our children back into the classrooms. 


School will be open to all children on Monday the 8th of March. The latest government guidance states that attendance in school is mandatory. All children will return to school on the 8th of March unless they are unable to attend in line with public health advice.  A link to the government advice document is available via a hyper link at the top of this page if you wish to find out more information .


In planning for reopening, we have used the government guidance, to inform our procedures, protocols, and risk management plans. We continue to review and evaluate these in line with any changes to the advice. 


I have attached two letters with information around:

Entry and Exit plans

Day to day procedures 

Statutory guidance for parents around attendance. 


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the children and parents of Treeton C of E primary school for the way they have adapted to the changes this year. We are so proud of how you have engaged with the remote learning and so grateful for the positive and constructive feedback you have provided.  

School closure from 5/1/2021


The government has announced that all schools, including primary schools, will move learning online from Tuesday 5th January. 

Please note that school will be closed to all pupils Tuesday 5th January in order for us to implement our contingency plan and remote learning procedures.

We understand that this news will be difficult for many of you, and we are sad that we find ourselves in this situation again.

From Wednesday 6th January, teachers will be delivering lessons online to children at home, and they will contact you through class dojo tomorrow to let you know when live TEAMs lessons will take place throughout the day and provide you with login details for TEAMs.


From Wednesday 6th January school will be open only to the children of critical workers and those pupils considered to be vulnerable. We are in the process of planning for critical worker provision.


The information and request for a place letter is attached to this page. 


If you believe you qualify as a critical worker and there is no one at home with your child/ren, you will need to complete the application form which is available on this page. You will be contacted once you have completed an application to confirm whether you have a key worker place ready to start on Wednesday 6th January.

Thank you for your support 

Critical worker provision

Critical worker provision will be available for children of critical workers, who will be working out of the home during school time. Please find in the file above all letters, information about the arrangements, application forms and the request for hours for critical and key worker provision. Applications need to be completed and returned via  the school email. Once you have been allocated a place you will need to complete a request for hours form. 


Thank you

COVID 19: Information for parents 


Please find information around the schools response to this national emergency. Updates will be posted here as well as on the School's Dojo account. Key documents and letters can be found at the bottom of this page. Thank you for your support 

URGENT NOTICE OF SCHOOL CLOSURE 18TH DECEMBER following government advice to all schools

Autumn 2020 information and advice 

Wider Reopening June 2020

We have been asked by the government to extend our provision beyond the critical workers and vulnerable children to include Nursery, Reception, Y1 and Y6 pupils. We are now in a position to provide you with a detailed plan, having carried out extensive risk assessments and consulted with parents. The information can be found on the following links 

School Closure March 2020

In line with  new Government rules for a nationwide lock down school will close to pupils from Friday 20th March 2020 until further notice. We await further advice from government about the details of how school will be supporting the childcare for specific groups of children. 


As you know we are managing a complex and unprecedented situation which is rapidly changing.  Government guidance is being updated regularly and we recommend that you keep up to date with the latest advice. 



We appreciate that this is a difficult time for everyone and that the disruption to children’s learning and routines will be causing anxieties. We have a comprehensive plan in place to provide parents with support for home learning resources, using existing platforms and being creative in our thinking. The teachers have been talking to children about the school closure and what will be happening including the provision we have planned and how it can be accessed.


We ask that you read with children for at least 20 minutes each day and record this in the home learning book. We will be sending home additional reading books today. The virtual book bags on Phonics bug will also provide phonically decodable texts for KS1 children.


Learning packs were sent home yesterday. The packs include pencils and exercise books, which you can use to record your children's learning during this time. Teachers will be uploading learning task and challenges as word documents or similar onto the class page of the website and Dojo for children to complete at home.  These can be downloaded or printed and used to inform you of the learning tasks.  Dojo comments and the messaging option will be disabled.  The office may be open for a limited time each day but this is yet to be decided. 


We are also setting a writing completion as part of their learning. This will be open to children in KS1 and KS2. More information will be sent home via letter and posted on both the website and on Dojo.


We subscribe to a number of educational websites which are open for parents to access. There are also some websites who are making the resources available during this time. A list of these will accompany this letter.  Individual teachers will advise their classes about the most relevant for the children’s age and stage of development.


Kind regards

Mrs D Ball


Easter Holidays 2020

We are almost at the end of the second week of home learning.  We have enjoyed seeing the wonderful home learning you have sent in via Dojo. We have had some creative and imaginative responses to the daily challenges we have set! Well done.


The next two weeks would have been our Easter holidays and we will be taking a break from our daily home learning challenges. We realise that many of our plans will have had to change as a result of the current national emergency.  I am posting some creative family challenges for you to try, which might give you some ideas for the 2 week break. These are posted below this message. The activities have been sent to us by Rotherham creative learning centre. There are 100 challenges – you don’t have to do them all but there should be something for everyone to enjoy. There are other ideas and activities on their website if you want to take a look: http://www.rotherhamclc.org.uk/


Enjoy a break from home learning and have a Happy Easter.  The daily challenges will restart on Monday the 20th of April.

Mrs H Hall

Key worker Provision March 2020


Please find the paperwork for the key worker provision below

Home Learning Guidance Lock down: March 2020

 We recognise that this is a stressful time for parents as many of you will be trying to manage working from home with home schooling your children. All the staff at Treeton Primary are working hard to provide support for the children and their families at this difficult time.

We hope that you are all managing to access the home learning challenges which have been set on class pages and on the website.

The staff are mindful of the balance you are trying to achieve at home. The learning challenges they set are flexible and should be completed at the child’s pace. We realise that some children may manage to complete all of them, while others may only manage some.

Each home situation will be different and finding the best way for your family may take a little time and adjusting. We encourage parents to be guided by their children as not all children will learn in the same way.  
Try and take each week at a time, we know there are just under two weeks left of term time until Easter.

You could try putting together a timetable with your children, working collaboratively with them so they can feel like they've had a say in this timetable. I know that many of you have already started to do this and find it helpful to provide some structure.

Focus your efforst on core learning skills - for example try to encourage some daily reading in your schedule

Keeping children active is as important as keeping them mentally stimulated.

Exercise guru Joe Wicks has launched a campaign to help children stay active over the coming weeks and months. PE with Joe, a live workout every Monday to Friday at 9am, has specifically been designed for children. Excercise such as walks and playing in the garden all will help to provide an outlet for their energy.

I hope this is helpful. There are lots of examples of home school timetables and plans online which you could look at to help you decide what kind of routine will work in your unique situation.


Mrs Ball and Mrs Hall

Support for home learning during enforced school closure 


As you know we are managing a complex and unprecedented situation which is rapidly changing.  We understand that this is creating uncertainty and anxiety and are working hard to provide as much support via remote links as we can.  Please find the letter with details of the support we have put in place for this difficult and challenging time. This includes a list of websites and logins for you to use. We may add to this over time so please check the website and Class Dojo. Each class page and class Dojo page will display regular learning tasks from the teachers. They will also provide links if required for specific learning tasks.

Treeton C of E Primary School,
Wood Lane Treeton,
Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 5QS
