Throughout your child’s time at school, they will be assessed regularly. This is to check their progress and identify the next steps in their learning. In EYFS this is usually undertaken through observation of how your child is playing and learning in the environment. When your child begins school a baseline assessment is made to find out what they can already do. This is usually completed within the first couple of weeks and is nothing to worry about – the teachers use observation and play activities to make this. It isn’t a test and it’s unlikely your child will even know it is happening.
On-going assessments take pace throughout your child’s time in EYFS to monitor their progress and plan the next steps. Evidence for your child’s achievements is gathered through observations and recorded outcomes. The Development matters document (available below) provides guidelines for ages and stages of development within EYFS, and is used to support teachers observations. At the end of Reception, this evidence is used to complete their EYFS Profile. This assessment is carried out by the Reception teacher and is based on what they, and other staff caring for your child, have observed over a period of time. All of the information collected is then used to assess where your child is currently within the seventeen areas of learning. The school will give you a report of your child’s progress, including information from their EYFS Profile.
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