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Treeton C of E School Treeton C of E School Treeton C of E School


We value your role as the children's first and most enduring educators and always want to hear about the children's achievements. We have a few different ways of keeping you updated. 


We are asking parents to contact staff via the school telephone if there are any concerns or changes to your usual routines. Please telephone school directly if your child is unwell and isn't attending the session. For other communication, if the office staff are unable to answer  questions or you still have concerns they will arrange for a member of staff to phone you back after the school session is ended.


We also use Class DOJO to share communication around children's learning and achievements. We will update this with pictures and news regularly.  You can use DOJO to send a message with news from home, significant achievements and home learning.  You can also use it to request an appointment or phone call if you do have concerns.  Queries or concerns will not be dealt with directly via DOJO but I will phone you to speak with you.



We welcome the opportunity to work in partnership with parents and carers at this early stage in your child's education and invite you to join Class Dojo to make communication even easier. If you have any problems signing up to Class Dojo or need your login, please ask either myself or one of the other team for the details. We value your contributions about your child's learning and we wish to work with you to ensure your child has the best possible start in their learning journey. Please feel free to share your child’s successes and achievements at home by sending a private message and photos on Class Dojo and through our home learning books. You can tell us about your child's interests and any new learning you have noticed. We will then include this in their learning journey at school and use it to inform our planning and assessments.


Newsletters, letters and text messages.

News letters are sent out each term and have the key dates and events on. More detailed information is sent via letters in the children’s book bags. text messages are usually sent to remind you of any upcoming events or if we need to get a message out quickly. 


Parents evenings:

There are parents evenings scheduled for each term. You will be notified about your child's first parents' evening closer to the time. This will be an opportunity to discuss how your child has settled into Foundation Stage and to view and contribute to your child's learning journey.  If you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning or development at other times, you can arrange to discuss these with me.


We understand that occasionally you may have concerns you would prefer to discuss privately  Please phone the school office and they will arrange for me to call you back if required.

Thank you for your support.

Treeton C of E Primary School,
Wood Lane Treeton,
Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 5QS
