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Treeton C of E School Treeton C of E School Treeton C of E School


Autumn Term Overview


Spring Term Overview


Spring - Whatever the Weather

We hope you have had a lovely Christmas break. Now that we have settled into the routines in Key Stage One, we are ready to begin our second term in Elm Class. 


Please take a look at our subject learning overview below for this term.



We will become writers and avid readers through our phonics programme, which will support our creativity to become fluent readers and writers.

For Phonics and Comprehension, we follow the RWI Phonics programme and the Pathways to Read. Children will continue to access the RWI Phonics programme or Pathways to Read Comprehension scheme, where children will build upon their fluency and understanding of texts studied; including vocabulary in context, retrieval, inference, comparison, prediction and summarising. 



Children will journey narrative using the story 'The Inside Lion' by Rachel Bright as their inspiration. 






In Maths, we will become mathematicians and build upon our previous mathematical understanding through practical and written methods.

Addition and Subtraction within 100

Multiplication and Division

Length and Height




As scientists, we will study the changing seasons. Within this unit of work, we will look at the different seasons and typical weather patterns, what grow during each season and animal behaviours in each season. 




We shall become computer whizzes using our own personal login to Purple Mash and learn how to create pictures using a paint tool. 

Online Safety: Personal Information

Purple Mash: creating Pictures


Purple Mash by 2Simple



We will become artists and focus on painting. this will include revisiting colour mixing, how to create different effects using a paintbrush and layering colours to create an overall picture in the style of an artist. 

Artist: Wassily Kandinsky



We shall think and talk like geographers through learning about different weather types. We shall study seasonal changes, weather symbols, dangers of the weather and compare the UK to other warm and cold climates around the world. 



We we become historians and study changes within living memory of 'Toys Through Time'. We will also look at the local history of the Treeton floods and the effect they had on our local community. 



Outdoor: Orienteering and Target Games

Indoor: Fitness and Fundamentals



Spring 1 Jigsaw: Dreams and Goals

Spring 2: Healthy Me



Understanding Christianity: What do Christian's believe God is like?

Understanding Christianity: Salvation: Why does Easter matter to Christians?



During our Music lessons, we will be using the Charanga music scheme and using instruments to explore sounds and listening carefully to different styles of music and identifying instruments, pitch, genre and tempos. 


Spring 1: Exploring Sounds

Spring 2: Listening to Learn

Treeton C of E Primary School,
Wood Lane Treeton,
Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 5QS
