What is Enterprise?
“An opportunity to teach the children the skills, understanding and attributes which allow them to be creative, innovative and self reliant within school, the community and later in the world of work.”
Enterprise Education motivates pupils at all ages; as they see the purpose and relevance in their school work to their future lives. It inspires and motivates children to higher levels of attainment. The sound economic future for today’s children will rely on the enterprising and entrepreneurial attributes of tomorrow’s adults. Enterprise in Education is as much as an economic and social initiative as an educational one.
To support teaching and learning in Enterprise Education, 13 skills or ‘entitlements’ have been agreed so that learning can be linked to clear objectives, progression can be planned for and AFL supported. These entitlements also support monitoring of Enterprise Education in school.
The 13 entitlements are as follows:
Enterprise Education is delivered through a cross curricular approach and it is either linked to the topic focus or can be a stand-alone project. Children are encouraged to think through their learning and make connections with the Enterprise concepts and skills that they have used.
Self-assessment is carried out through a skills wheel at the start and end of each Enterprise project. Children rate themselves on each of the 13 concepts and skills and discuss how confident they feel about each one.
Each class produces a scrap book to record their project. This refers to the concepts and skills and how each of these has been used within the project.
Each year at the end of the summer term there is an Enterprise Assembly for each Key Stage, which parents are invited to attend. Each class presents their project and talks about the concepts and skills they have used.
There is a display of Enterprise projects in the hall at the final parents open evening at the end of the year.
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