Home Page
Treeton C of E School Treeton C of E School Treeton C of E School

General Information

This section of our class page will provide you with general information relating to our class. Please read carefully and feel free to phone school to discuss this further if needed. 


Class dojo


Over this year we will use ClassDojo to communicate with parents, share current learning and photographs of work completed. You should be automatically connected to your child's new ClassDojo page.  Please let us  know if you have any trouble using this app or have not received the appropriate log in.


Home learning


Over the year your child will receive a range of home learning challenges. 


First and foremost reading with your child is key. We value support for reading as our main home learning focus. Therefore we ask that you read with your child at least 3 times a week. Your child will be provided with a phonetically decodable book which needs bringing into school each day as this will be used as part of our reading in class.



Once the children are settled into their new school routines an open ended homework challenge for children to complete will be provided, based on their learning from the week. Home learning books are given out on a Friday and returned the following week  by Wednesday. We look forward to seeing the work you do at home. 




Please ensure children have the appropriate PE kit to participate in PE lessons - it would be useful for children to have their PE kit available in school throughout the week not just on PE days.  Children who do not have a PE kit on their PE day will be given an active task to complete to ensure they do not miss their entitlement to physical activity. Please can you ensure your child has shorts, red or white t-shirt and pumps or trainers. Please note that jewellery should not be worn for P.E. lessons. Children with earrings need to have these removed on PE days. 


Hazel Class PE Days are:

Tuesday - indoor

Thursday - outdoor




At Treeton C of E Primary we see reading as a priority as it is a vital skill for life. Once children have mastered the basics of decoding words it is important that they continue to read regularly both in school and at home to build up fluency and confidence. They also need to develop a deeper understanding of the texts they read by asking and answering questions.


We read with your child on many occasions each week in school. Each week your child will ideally read twice, usually in the form of a guided reading group with their class teacher and individually with a teaching assistant. There will be many other opportunities for reading through their Literacy lessons and daily phonic sessions.


As previously mentioned reading is still the main focus for homework and we ask that you make time to read with your child three times a week. We check reading diaries each week and award stickers for reading 3 times at home. This is logged in their reading diary each week and at the back of their reading diary it is stamped to record that they have read three times at home. Children are then entered each time they achieve their weekly three reads into a raffle draw, where a ticket is pulled out each half term and the winner receives a prize. 


If you have any questions about how we teach reading or what you can do at home to support your child's reading please feel free to ask. Thank you to everyone who has supported us with the reading initiative so far. Rewards will be announced at the end of term.

Treeton C of E Primary School,
Wood Lane Treeton,
Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 5QS
