Welcome to the History curriculum page. The teaching of History sits under our over-arching curriculum policy which encompasses the threshold concepts, breadth of study and the milestones for progress by year group and key phase.
At Treeton C of E we follow the Programmes of Study from the National Curriculum. We use our spiral curriculum to develop historical skills and knowledge from Nursery through to Year 6.
This concept involves understanding that our understanding of the past comes from an interpretation of the available evidence. In EYFS and KS1, children are encouraged to distinguish between fact and fiction. As their skills develop they begin to compare versions of events and use evidence to ask questions and find answers to questions about the past.
As part of 'investigate and interpret the past' the children begin to ask and answer questions about objects from the past. As they move through school into KS2, they devise their own historical questions to suggest causes and consequences of the main events and changes in history.
The children are provided with many opportunities to use both primary and secondary sources for investigating and interpreting the past. Where possible we provide first hand opportunities and experiences from field work visits to bringing historical specialists in to deliver workshops.
This concept involves an appreciation of the characteristic features of the past and an understanding that life is different for different sections of society. As children have the opportunity to develop their historical knowledge, they begin to identify similarities and differences between ways of life at different times and know that events and people are seen as significant as their actions result in change.
This concept involves an understanding of how to chart the passing of time and how some aspects of history studied were happening at similar times in different places. We develop understanding chronology from placing simple events in the correct time order, to discussing periods of time and using relevant dates and terms.
Sitting alongside 'understanding chronology' we develop the use of timelines. In this area the children develop skills in beginning to order events, placing them on timelines and creating their own timelines.
This concept involves using historical vocabulary and techniques to convey information about the past. Children in our school are taught to develop their understanding of vocabulary such as past and present, old and new to using vocabulary such as century, decade in both discussion and in writing (see our vocabulary overview below).
We are members of the Historical association. This membership supports our teaching, learning and enjoyment of history. Please see the link to access this fantastic website: https://www.history.org.uk/
Above are photographs from our 'Mary Seacole' day. The children were learning about the significant individual 'Mary Seacole' and compared her life to that of 'Florence Nightingale'. They were able to compare life in the past to life now and how key elements of medicine has changed.
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