Monday 6th January 2025
Good morning everyone,
I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. It is not the ideal start for the first day back but I do hope to see everyone tomorrow. I have provided some home learning for today. I have tried to use resources which don't require any printing. The children's answers can just be written on paper or in a book. The resources are at the bottom of this page.
Writing Developed Sentences.
Task - The children choose one of the pages (from 1-9) and complete the sentences adding in as much detail as possible and remembering to use punctuation correctly. For each page there is a word bank to help.
Task 1 - Column addition and subtraction (the answers are on page 2).
Task 2 - Multiplication Triangles 3s, 4s and 8s (the answers are on page 3).
Reading Comprehension - All about Penguins
Children are to read the information on pages 1&2 and then complete the questions on pages 3&4 (answers are on pages 5&6).
Life is a journey - Showing my journey. Teaching PowerPoint to use and then an activity to follow.
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