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Treeton C of E School Treeton C of E School Treeton C of E School

Easter Holidays

We are almost at the end of the second week of home learning.  We have enjoyed seeing the wonderful home learning you have sent in via Dojo. We have had some creative and imaginative responses to the daily challenges we have set! Thank you for your support in such challenging circumstances.


The next two weeks would have been our Easter holidays and we will be taking a break from our daily home learning challenges. We realise that many of our plans will have had to change as a result of the current national emergency.  I am posting some creative family challenges for you to try, which might give you some ideas for the 2 week break. These are posted on the parents section, under school's response to COVID-19. The activities have been sent to us by Rotherham creative learning centre. There are 100 challenges – you don’t have to do them all but there should be something for everyone to enjoy. There are other ideas and activities on their website if you want to take a look: http://www.rotherhamclc.org.uk/

Treeton C of E Primary School,
Wood Lane Treeton,
Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 5QS
