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New information regarding proposed school opening




Treeton Church of England Primary School,


Telephone No: 0114 269 2677  e mail:  enquiries@tp.dsat.education

Website: www.treetoncofe.co.uk       Headteacher ~ Mrs D H Ball  



May 18th, 2020


Dear Parents


Firstly we would like to thank you for your prompt replies to the survey we sent out last week about the proposed reopening of schools to specific year groups. This has provided us with some indicative numbers.  We are ever mindful that each family has their own unique circumstances which will inform their decision making around this, and recognize that for some families more information was needed for them to make these decisions.


As we suggested in the letter which accompanied the survey, we have used the survey information to put together a prospective plan for reopening which is flexible and follows the government advice. This letter contains some details of the proposed provision and information around the offer.  Please be aware that this is subject to changes as guidance, advice and timings are likely to be regularly updated by the government. Hopefully this information will help parents to inform their thinking and decision making. 


We now need you to advise us if you intend to send your child once partial opening begins.  Please read the information within this letters carefully before completing the new survey indicating if you are likely to send your child once the partial reopening of school begins. You will need to complete a separate survey for each child. We will then model our response based on these numbers.


We are likely to phase children into school one year group at a time, over a 2 week timeframe to allow us to develop and test our protocols and to support systems for social distancing of adults at entry and exit points. We are likely to offer a full day with some slight adjustments to timings which allow for staggered starts and multiple drop offs. We will only be offering a morning nursery session. More detail and timings will follow once we have firmer numbers and guidelines to work to.


We also want to reassure parents who decide to continue with home learning that this will continue to be planned by the teachers and will be communicated via dojo and the website.


An overview of the proposed provision, including some of the measures we will be taking and our protocols are detailed on the attached sheet. As always we consider the health and well-being of our pupils as a priority and will be working to support this in all we do. Please read this carefully before reply to the survey using the link below:




In the meantime, the school is still open for children of critical workers only.  We know some employers will be encouraging you to return to work, but we’re not in a position to extend places to other children until we receive further government guidance.


We will be in touch again once we have analysed your responses and have been able to confirm details of our plans to begin the opening of school safely.


With kindest regards


Mrs D Ball


Proposed Plans For Partial School Re-Opening Post Pandemic



  • Children who are displaying symptoms should not be sent into school. Parents are advised to follow the government guidance.
  • We may use no contact infra-red thermometers on the gate to check temperatures.
  • Children will arrive at school at a given entrance via a one way system so that adults can socially distance.
  • Parents will not be allowed to enter the building to maintain social distance protocols and only one adult should be present at the drop off point.
  • Parents can communicate with teachers via dojo or phone rather than face to face contact.
  • Parents who have children in more than one year group will need to make separate drop offs  for each child - this will be supported by staggered starts
  • Children will be grouped in small learning bubbles of no more than 15 (ideally 10 children)
  • Children will be in school for the whole of their scheduled session – unfortunately we will not be able to accommodate late drop offs or early pickups.
  • Parents must strictly adhere to drop off and pick up protocols, such as one way systems.
  • Children will not mix with other pupil groups and will not have social contact outside their learning bubbles.
  • Children will have a lead teacher who will plan work for the children based on the National Curriculum or EYFS framework.
  • Teaching will be delivered by the same adult each day wherever possible; this may be a teaching assistant under the direction of a teacher.
  • Children will remain in the classroom allocated to them apart from timetabled outdoor learning or break times.  They will not have access to other parts of the school building.
  • Outside learning and activities will be encouraged to this end parents will need to provide children with wellies and outdoor clothing.
  • Parents may wish to send children in clothing which will support outside activities and more physical learning such as PE.
  • Contact will be minimised by using a one way system, classroom layout, staggered lunchtimes and breaks and zoned outdoor spaces.
  • Children will wash hands more frequently and thoroughly – this will be timetabled into the day and will follow any messy activities.
  • Good hygiene protocols will be modelled explicitly.
  • There will be regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces throughout the day. 
  • There will be additional cleaning routines in the school.
  • Children will be provided with their own set of resources which they will not share or take home (pencils, pens, scissors glue sticks etc).  This will not apply to EYFS where this is not always possible.
  • In EYFS resources will be limited to those which can be easily cleaned and regular cleaning this will be undertaken.
  • Children will only share toilet facilities with children in their learning group.
  • Children will eat a packed lunch in the classroom.
  • Children will need to bring their home water bottles which they will take home at the end of the day.
  • Children will be encouraged to bring a mid- morning snack.
  • Children will need to bring a reading book from home
  • Staff will check that each child has their water bottle, lunch and reading book before they enter school.











Treeton C of E Primary School,
Wood Lane Treeton,
Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 5QS
