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Treeton C of E School Treeton C of E School Treeton C of E School

Our Learning


In our PSHE lessons we will using the Jigsaw PSHE scheme to exospore the following unit of work.

Dreams and goals – aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that come with this.  

Healthy me – being and keeping healthy and safe 



We will be following the Read Write Inc Scheme to teach phonics. Information will be shared via Dojo for you to use at home to support your children.



We will be looking at the following texts within our literacy lessons.

  • Jack and the Bean Stalk
  • Each Peach Pear and Plum
  • Burglar Bill
  • The Train ride

In Spring term, we will be continuing to combine our phonics and listening skills to respond to stories to share ideas, developing confidence and ability to be able to make predictions, sequence stories, write simple words and phrases that can be read by others and working hard on our name writing.



Communication and Language

This term will continue to build our communication skills, giving children opportunities to share and listen to each other’s ideas. Every area of our classroom and curriculum is designed to offer children opportunities to become confidence communicators. To help each child to grow in skill and confidence, offering each child chances to make predictions, share past experiences and knowledge. In our Literacy lessons the children will learn new vocabulary and we will be encouraging children to use the new vocabulary throughout the day.




We use the White-Rose scheme of learning, this term we will be looking at comparing amounts, Shape, and exploring patterns. Our number focuses this term will be the numbers  to 10 , and will learn how to count to these numbers, how to make collections of each number, recognising the numeral for each number, how each number is made up (composition), and features of each number such as 1 more and 1 less.

We will also be looking at mass and capacity.


Physical Development

During the Spring term we will be focusing on continuing to build our fine motor muscles to help us with our writing and letter formation and give us stamina to write.

We will also be looking at our Gross motor skills being able to carefully and with control navigate space being able to travel in different ways.

We will be working on our cutting with scissor skills to develop our cutting curved line skills.


Understanding the World

The children will explore similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things. We will use our communication and language skills to describe their immediate environment using observation, pictures and maps.

We will look at the festival of Chinese New Year. We will explore how it is celebrated across the world. We will also look at differences and similarities between the united Kingdom and China.  We will also do some food tasting


We will be looking at the festivals of Chinese New Year and Easter,



Expressive Arts and Design

We love to be creative in our class and during the first time we will continue to be spending a lot of time working towards the following ELG

Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function

We look at how to use scissors and tools safely and with purpose and confidence and begin to build our creative skills from planning a piece of work, to creating it and the reflecting on how it turns out.

Treeton C of E Primary School,
Wood Lane Treeton,
Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 5QS
