Teaching Writing in Key Stages 1 and 2
A teaching sequence for writing is followed when teaching writing, and build into the sequence is the use of success criteria (steps to success) for every lesson. In Literacy books, children use the right hand page to compose their writing. The left hand page is used for the success criteria and a try it space for spelling, grammar and punctuation.
This teaching sequence for writing is outlined below:
The first part of the sequence involves familiarising children with the text type and subject matter their writing will be based on
Children then move on to explore the layout (organisational) features and language features of the text type they will be writing. When analysing the language features, all SPAG elements should be revisited
In this section of the writing sequence, children are taught the spelling punctuation and grammar skills that they will need to produce their piece of writing. The focus in this session is on new SPAG knowledge children need to acquire in order to write competently in the writing genre introduced at the beginning of the sequence. This is taught in focused sessions which is pitched at the level children are working at. This should always be taught in the context of what they are writing.
In this section, children are given the opportunity to plan the piece of writing that they will create
In this section, children are given the opportunity to produce their piece of writing based on their plan. This may include shared, guided and modelled writing.
At this point in the sequence, children are given the opportunity to review their writing, edit and improve based on the steps for success for the piece of writing
Children may be given the opportunity to publish their writing which means producing a final draft.
Plenary sessions provide opportunities for evaluating and reflecting on progress made against the agreed success criteria (steps to success) in each lesson.
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