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Year 5 Kingswood October 2022

Kingswood Residential - October 2022


During the Autumn term, our year 5 children went on a 3 day residential to Kingswood where they took part in many exciting, adventurous activities. The children were able to take part in new activities and challenge themselves in brand new ways. The activities which the children took part in were:


  • Problem solving
  • Archery
  • Bush craft - den building
  • Mini Olympics
  • Zip line
  • Night line
  • Campfire
  • Climbing
  • Laser tag


Through this fantastic experience, the children were really able to develop and demonstrate our school vision and values. This residential inspired our children to be the best that they can be and to really Let Their Light Shine. The children showed they have courage, respect and faith. At the end of the three days, we asked the children 'How did you let your lights shine this week?' The responses the children gave were fantastic and it was so great to hear how the children had challenged themselves in so many ways.



Courage looks different for all children, but during the group contract the children discussed pushing themselves our of their comfort zone and into the challenge zone. In addition, the children discussed not pushing themselves too far and into the panic zone as this is where learning is lost. All of the children, in all of the activities knew what their comfort zone and what the next steps would be to push themselves into challenge zone. This might have been climbing half way up the climbing wall, holding a bow and arrow correctly or going across the zip line. Every child showed courage in their own way.



Respect is shown in a variety of ways. The children showed respect to themselves and their peers buy tidying their rooms, looking after their belongings and going to sleep sensibly to allow others to sleep. The children showed respect to others by helping each other and supporting each other during the activities, e.g. encouraging someone who was a little nervous. The children showed respect to the Kingswood staff by tidying up their plates, cutlery and tables after they had eaten as well as using their manners to say 'please' and 'thank you'.



All of the children showed faith in themselves. Believing in themselves and thinking, 'I can do this'. It was amazing to see the children believing they could do something and pushing themselves into the challenge zone. The children also showed faith in the Kingswood Adventure staff and the equipment that they would be safe and protected and even during the activities which created the most nerves they would be safe.
