A big welcome to our class page. I am very excited to for our year together. Please keep checking the web page and class Dojo for some pictures of our wonderful classroom and activities that we do whilst in school.
Our class page contains lots of information about the learning we are doing in class and It is sorted into sub pages for ease of use. Just click on the tab you want to see.
Please telephone school directly if your child is unwell and isn't attending the session. For other communication, if the office staff are unable to answer questions or you still have concerns they will arrange for a member of staff to phone you back after the school session is ended.
We use Class DOJO to share communication around children's learning and achievements. We will update this with pictures and news regularly. You can use DOJO to send a message with news from home, significant achievements and home learning. You can also use it to request an appointment or phone call if you do have concerns. Queries or concerns will not be dealt with directly via DOJO but I will phone you to speak with you.
Mrs A Hall
All website content copyright © Treeton C of E Primary School
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