At Treeton C of E school, pupils and staff come from all faiths and none. We have a distinctly Christian ethos, which is reflected in our values and vision. Religious education (RE) and collective worship are highly valued aspects of our school life. They enable understanding of how religion and beliefs affect our lives. At the heart of RE in our schools is the teaching of Christianity, pupils also learn about other faiths and world views. Collective worship in our school reflects the traditions of the Church of England and develops learners' understanding of Anglican traditions and practice.
Visit from the Bishop of Doncaster
We thoroughly enjoyed a visit from the Bishop of Doncaster at the end of February half term. Bishop Sophie Jelley thoroughly enjoyed her visit and wrote a letter to our pupils which is attached below:
Dear Pupils
It was lovely to visit you on Tuesday and thank you so much for your warm welcome. I enjoyed worshipping with you and hearing your fantastic singing, especially “City on a Hill”.
I also enjoyed being able to visit your classrooms to see your learning in action. I saw fantastic artwork going on throughout school, and your maths lessons where you were working very hard indeed.
Thank you EYFS for your beautiful singing. I loved hearing you sing ‘Our God is a Great Big God’ and doing the actions. I was very pleased to get a special ‘I let my light shine sticker’ which I will keep, to remind me of you all. Thank you too, to the Worship Leaders for taking time to talk with me at the end of the day, you asked some very thoughtful questions which showed your curiosity which is so important for learning.
Year 6, I want to wish you all a very special final year of primary school as you prepare to move on to your next school. May you always know that God loves you and will be with you wherever you go.
With every blessing
The Rt Revd Sophie Jelley
Bishop of Doncaster
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